Monday, October 29, 2012

Post #11: Intensives & organization

Welcome back from your fall break! We are going to focus on paragraphs and organization this week.

Sadly School House Rock does NOT have a segment to teach us how to write a paragraph. Instead, I found this horrible video clip to help you stay focused in your paragraph... It's terrible, but hopefully you'll catch my humor is knowing that you may actually learn something from this!

What I want you to do today is to write THREE paragraphs:

1. Describe your Intensive - what did you do and learn? what were your highlights and lowlights?

2. If you could design your very own three day Intensive, describe it!

3. What are your goals for 2nd block? Write these in paragraph form (they can be specific to Blogger or for all your classes - it is up to you)

Add LABELS to your blog today to help gather followers... I'll explain!
Don't forget to comment on other students' blogs!

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